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Charge It

Charge It is a fun puzzle game where you need to charge all your electrical devices with a limited number of outlets and unique plug shapes. It's extremely challenging to arrange all plugs in suitable outlets!

How to Play Charge It

It's easy to play this puzzle game because you just need to put the plugs into the appropriate outlets to charge the electrical devices. After completing charging, you can move to the next levels.

However, the gameplay is simple but the challenges are the opposite. The players will face difficult situations to solve. It is a similar situation to Hurdle where you just need to fill in the 5-letter words and get the game's hint to guess the target word. It is simple in theory but the puzzles make players face difficulties. In fact, players have to guess the right letters and words in a limited number of tries. It is similar to this Charge It game.

Do you think that you just need to plug the plug into the outlets? The game will not let you win that easily.

Realistic Challenges

In the Charge It game, players can face many different challenges, but they are divided into two main parts: plugs and outlets.

Challenges From Plugs

In Charge It, the plugs come in many shapes. They can be single, double, or triple plugs. The plugs can be square, rectangular, or L-shaped. These shapes require players to place them in appropriate positions so as not to obstruct other plugs. If you plug it in the wrong place, the remaining plugs may not be able to fit into the remaining outlets.

In addition to shape, these plugs may have different cord lengths. They can only reach certain outlets.

Outlets in Charge It

Outlets are another challenge because they are limited and in many different locations. You need to arrange to have enough outlets to use. It is also necessary to align the plugs to the appropriate outlets. It is impossible to move the outlets, so you should find a way to reach the plugs.

In addition, there are a few obstacles between the outlets and plugs. Let's find a way to solve it. For example, there are a few sheets of paper covering your outlet. Plug in the hair dryer to blow those papers away first. After that, you can unplug the dryer and charge the required devices.